Benefits and Rights

Human Rights Protection

Remuneration System & Performance Management

Benefits Plan

Parental Benefits

GRI 2-23, 2-24
Human Rights Policy

According to international human rights norms and principles, including the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, SYSTEX Corp. abides by local laws and regulations of human rights in all countries and regions where we operate, refrains from any human rights violations, treats all employees fairly and with respect, including permanent employees, temporary employees, dispatched manpower and interns, and enhances the human rights awareness of stakeholders to reduce human rights risks. The SYSTEX Corp. Human Rights Policy applies to SYSTEX Corp. and its affiliates, and SYSTEX also uses the same standards to requiret suppliers, business partners and customers to comply with this policy.

Human Rights Policy

Human Rights Policy

The Human Rights Policy applies to SYSTEX Corp. and its affiliated companies, and SYSTEX also uses the same standards to require suppliers, business partners and customers to comply with this policy.

  • Promote equity at work, prohibit any discrimination, and protect employees from any differential treatment or discrimination due to race, gender (including gender orientation), age, marriage, socioeconomic status, class, ideology, religion, party affiliation, place of origin, place of birth, appearance, facial features, physical and mental disabilities, or trade union membership.
  • Refrain sexual harassment and abuse at work.
  • Prohibit forced labor, child labor and human trafficking.
  • Regularly implement human rights due diligence and optimize human rights risk management.
  • Comply with applicable laws and regulations of salary and working hour of each operating base, implement a fair remuneration mechanism, practice the principle of equal pay for equal work for men and women, regularly and fairly conduct performance evaluation for each employee, and pay individual salary on time.
  • Help employees maintain a work-health balance.
  • Provide a healthy and safe workplace.
  • Build various communication channels, provide an anonymous mechanism for reporting violations or complaints, and respect employees’ freedom of association.
Human Rights Due Diligence Process

SYSTEX has formulated a human rights due diligence process that identifies potential issues of human rights risks first, and then carries out risk assessments on employees who may be affected. After a risk assessment, SYSTEX develops mitigations, tracks the implementation performance and reviews regularly to reduce risks effectively and achieve goals.

Risk issue identification, risk assessment and human right risk map

  • Collect 8 human rights risk issues.
  • Internal stakeholders conduct human rights risk assessments based on the degree of impact and the probability of occurrence, so that SYSTEX identifies 2 major issues of “humane treatment and working hours,” and formulates risk mitigation measures and goals.
    (1)Humane treatment: Treatment in the workplaces may affect employees physically and mentally, assessed as a high risk.
    (2)Working hours: Employees work long hours, affecting their lift quality and causing more load, assessed as a medium-high risk.

Human Rights Risk Map

Risk mitigation measures

  • Match the human rights policy with the risk identification and assessment results of human rights issues, so as to formulate mitigation measures.
Policy Item Issue Risk Scenario Risk Mitigation Measures
Refrain sexual harassment and abuse at work Humane treatment
  • Recruitment interview
  • Interaction at the workplace
  • SYSTEX established the “Measures for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Harassment” and the “Prevention Plan to Protect Employees from Unlawful Acts while Performing Duties.”
  • Regular awareness training is conducted on sexual harassment and unlawful acts.
  • Secure and confidential complaint channels to protect complainants.
  • An impartial Sexual Harassment Complaint Handling Committee is established.
Prohibit forced labor, child labor and human trafficking Working hours
  • Insufficient manpower
  • Specific needs for rapid business or activities
  • Comply with labor laws, clearly stating them in work rules and promoting awareness.
  • SYSTEX has an overtime application system with clear rules.
  • SYSTEX has attendance and overtime guidelines with a working hours and overtime system.
  • Regular labor law training fosters supervisors’ knowledge and proper management practices.
Child labor and underage labor
  • Recruitment interview
  • Workplace
  • The SYSTEX Work Rule explicitly prohibit child labor.
  • Verify age during recruitment and require ID verification for new hires.
  • Employees can refuse to work outside normal hours for valid reasons as stated in the SYSTEX Work Rule.
  • Overtime is requested by employees with supervisory approval.
Promote equity at work, prohibit any discrimination Non-discrimination
  • Recruitment interview
  • Workplace
  • The SYSTEX Work Rule prohibits any form of discrimination for an equal rights workplace.
  • Manage number and percentage of employees with disabilities.
  • Provide an inclusive, accessible workplace.
Help employees maintain a work-health balance Health and safety
  • Workplace
  • Business operation
  • “Health managers” and a “health consultation room” offer health check-ups and on-site consultation services with affiliated hospital physicians.
  • Offer employees information and talks on lifestyle, nutrition, exercise, and health.
  • Partner with a consulting company for the comprehensive, professional “Employee Assistance Program (EAP).”
  • Recreational and sports facilities such as gym and coffee lounge.
Provide a healthy and safe workplace Health and safety
  • Workplace
  • Business operation
  • Comply with the “Occupational Safety and Health Organization Management Regulations” by establishing a safety and health management organization and committee with regular meetings.
  • Improve workplace safety and hygiene to prevent occupational accidents.
  • Regular monitoring of water quality, lighting, and fire safety equipment.
  • Regular occupational safety and health training enhances employee awareness.
  • Flexible working hours with lactation rooms and measures.
Build various communication channels, respect employees’ freedom of association Freedom of association
  • Business operation
  • Different perceptions, poor communication
  • Strict compliance with labor regulations as stated in the SYSTEX Work Rule.
  • Effective communication channels reduce disputes due to differences in perception.
  • Regular Labor-Management Meetings ensure effective communication with employees.
  • Timely communication of policies and regulations ensures awareness of labor rights.
Implement fair remuneration mechanism Salary and benefits

Human rights management indicators

GRI 406-1
  • Among the implementation of mitigation measures, the 2 major issues have achieved the goals in 2022.

1. The number of hired disable people is accounted based on the number at the end of the year. SYSTEX group has employed 39 disable people, including 15 severely disabled people (1% of total employees). In addition, SYSTEX Corp. has employed more than the law requires.
2. Work-related injuries include those that occur at the company, in client’s office and on business trips, and exclude non-work-related commuting injuries.
3. A compliant case was initially judged as an illegal infringement case, and was satisfactorily resolved after investigation and disposal by the handling team. 1 labor dispute case ended peacefully through communication or negotiation.

Human Rights Protection Training

SYSTEX complies with global and local labor regulations, refrains from any violations, treats all employees equitably, and plans related training courses to enhance awareness.

2022 Human Rights Protection Training

  • [Registration day for new-hires]

    A total of 973 people participated in the promotion of human rights, covering sexual harassment and illegal infringement prevention, labor laws and regulations.

  • [Compliance course for new directors]

    A total of 56 people participated in the course, covering employer responsibility, OHS and human rights, with a total of 112 hours.

  • [Sexual harassment prevention online course]

    A total of 706 people participated in the course, covering sexual harassment and illegal infringement prevention, with a total of 353 hours.

  • [New employees training camp (for full-time employees)]

    The course includes 11 in-class training. A total of 693 people participated in in-class training, with a total of 1,039.5 hours; a total of 688 people participated in in-class training, with a total of 1,032 hours.