Employee Health Promotion

GRI 403-6, 403-7

Awarded the 2023 Badge of “Sports Enterprise Certification” by the Ministry of Education.

Awarded the 2022 Badge of Accredited Healthy Workplace by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

Since employee health is the long-term value, SYSTEX not only attaches importance to employee training and welfare, but also attaches importance to relieving employees’ stress. As such, SYSTEX provides a “Comprehensive Employee Health Care Plan”, allowing employees to take good care of family and personal health while focusing on work, responds to the UN SDG 3 and SDG 8 to enable employees to reach their maximum potential,  and enhances centripetal force and corporate competition. In 2023, the total healthcare expense is NT$16,555 thousand.

Comprehensive Employee Health Care Plan

SYSTEX has launched a “Comprehensive Employee Health Care Plan” with 4 major aspects, encouraging employees to enhance health awareness, and then driving family members to exercise together.


  • Employee Health Check
    Offer annual employee health check better than regulations and subsidize NT$3,500 each employee (once every 2 years for employees under the age of 40, and once a year for employees over the age of 40). Since 2019, employees can choose their own health check plan within 14 medical institutions. After examination, the health managers evaluate employee’s personal medical report and provide personal consultation.
  • New-hires Health Check
    New-hires must submit a health check report. SYSTEX subsidizes up to NT$1,000 each new-hire.
  • Fitness Test
    Hold physical fitness testing, including muscle strength testing, flexibility, body composition and other items.
  • Female Health Check
    Hold female tests irregularly, including breast screening, and pap smear.

2023 Employee Health Check


2023 New-hire Health Check


2023 Total Expense


2023 Satisfaction of Employee Health Check


02.Health Care

Health Center and Health Managers
GRI 403-2, 403-3

In order to help maintain the health of employees, SYSTEX has employed full-time “health managers” and set up a “health management center” conducting long-term tracking of employees with abnormal health status including overweight, Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, Hyperglycemia, high-risk medical history, major illness or other specified medical status, and formulating personal health improvement suggestions and disease prevention plans.

  • SYSTEX has employed 4 full-time health managers according to the regulations, and worded with qualified consultants to have contract-caregivers services, conducting long-term tracking of employees with abnormal health status and formulating personal health suggestions and disease prevention plans.。
  • SYSTEX incorporates “Prevention Plans of Ergonomic Hazards”, “Prevention Plans of Overwork Related Illness” and “Maternal Health Management Plans” into risk assessments to identify potential Occupational Safety and Health hazard factors, so that the prevention plans are developed to reduce health risks of employees.

2023 Prevention plans of ergonomic hazards – employees with potential risks


2023 Prevention plans of ergonomic hazards questionnaires


2023 Prevention plans of overwork related illness – employees with potential risks


2023 Maternal health management plans – pregnant & postpartum return employees

Specialist Consultation
  • In addition to NTU Hospital, SYSTEX has worked with Taichung and Kaohsiung VG Hospital since 2022, with a total of 3 specialist physician teams, offering 1-on-1 health care consulting services to improve employees’ health awareness.
  • In 2023, a total of 34 consulting meetings were held, with a total of 144 participants.

2023 Specialist Consultation Meetings


2023 Specialist Consultation Participants


2023 Total Expense

Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)
  • SYSTEX has launched the “Employee Assistance Programs, EAP” from 2021, hoping to help protect the health of employees. The “EAP” provides 24-hour real-time telephone consultation services and various services on the physical and mental care platform, including work, life and health-related information, and online stress detection, so that employees can find relevant information for their needs, accompanying them through difficulties. Meanwhile, immediate group consultation services will also be arranged due to special issues.
  • In 2023, a total of 94 participants used EAP.

2023 EAP Participants


2023 Total Expense


2023 EAP Satisfaction



  • Provide health information, including topics of EAP care, health information, and activity information, through email and the SYSTEX-developed “Health UP! APP” every month.
  • Irregularly hold “Stress Relief and Health Seminars”, such as communication, psychology, parent-child and other topics. In 2023, a total of 10 online seminars were held, with a total of 665 participants.

2023 Seminar Participants


2023 Health Information


2023 Total Expense



  Awarded Corporate Employment of Sports Instructors Award by the Ministry of Education for 2 consecutive years (2022-2023)  

SYSTEX serves the society with IT capability, allowing SYSTEX to develop “Health UP! APP” in 2021 and invest NT$660K in maintenance every year. The app integrates various health and exercise data of employees, allowing them to keep an eye on their own health status. Meanwhile, the executives lead BU teams to participate in internal sports competitions, thereby encouraging employees to exercise regularly and enhancing the “exercising” corporate culture.

Worktime Exercise Courses
  • In 2020, SYSTEX invested NT$5M in upgrading a professional-grade gym and a multi-functional court for employees.
  • Employ a full-time and several part-time athletic trainers to offer “Worktime Exercise Courses” at Taipei headquarters building and Taichung offices, including strength training, TRX, badminton, aerobic exercise, etc., allowing employees to freely participate according to their needs and work plans and also to save their cost of signing up for external exercise courses.
  • By participating in regular exercise courses for middle- and senior-level managers (such as basketball classes for managers every Monday, and muscle strength courses every Tuesday and every other Friday), middle- and senior-level managers convey that SYSTEX attaches great importance to the cultivation of sports culture and promote the sports atmosphere from top to bottom.
  • In 2023, a total of 532 training courses were held, with a total of 4,326 participants.

Worktime Exercise Courses

2023 Worktime Exercise Courses


2023 Worktime Exercise Courses Participants


2023 Total Expense

Competition- 3-on-3 Basketball Game
  • The SYSTEX Cup 3-on-3 Basketball Game has been held every year since 2018. In 2023, a total of 45 teams and 233 persons participated in the competition, with a total of 89 games.
  • Additionally, a basketball fun game was also held with a total of 161 persons in 2023.

2023 SYSTEX Cup 3-on-3 Basketball Game

2023 Basketball Game Teams


2023 Basketball Game Participants


2023 Basketball Game


2023 Total Expense

Competition- Bowling Game
  • The first SYSTEX Bowling Game was held in 2023, with 307 participants and a total of 100 games in the tournament.

2023 Participants


2023 Bowling Game


2023 Total Expense


2023 SYSTEX Cup Bowling Game

Competition- Badminton Game
  • w The first SYSTEX Badminton Game was held in 2023, with a total 25 teams and 214 participants.

2023 Participants


2023 Game Teams


2023 Total Expense


2023 SYSTEX Cup Badminton Game

Competition- Road Race
  • In 2023 combined with the “2023 Panasonic Taipei City Road Race” with a total of 462 participants.

2023 Participants


2023 Female Participation


2023 Total Expense


2023 Road Race

Online Sports Competition @Health Up! APP
  • Through the sports competition function of “Health UP! APP,” the “Online Walking Competition” were held with a total of 565 participants and a cumulative distance of 69,326 km.

2023 Participants


2023 Walking Distance


2023 Total Expense

Club Activity
  • Set up an “Employee Welfare Committee” and formulate the “Measures for the Organization of Employee Associations” to offer subsidies for club activities, including badminton clubs, yoga clubs, basketball clubs, softball club, road running club, reading club, boardgame club, and other clubs.

2023 Total Expense

Free Massage
  • SYSTEX employs visually impaired people to provide massage services in 11 offices in Taiwan, allowing employees have a free stress-relief massages, while also increasing employment opportunities for disabled people.
  • In 2023, SYSTEX provides a total of 578 massages sessions to totaling 4,731 participants.

Offices with Service


Total Sessions


2023 Participants

Blood Donation
  • Hold 2 blood donation activities, cooperated with the Taipei Blood Center.
  • In 2023, a total of 187 persons participated and a total of 70,500 ml of blood was donated..

2023 Activity


2023 Total ml


2023 Total Expense

SYSTEX Developed Health Up! APP

In order to promote sports culture among all employees, SYSTEX invested NT$3M to develop “Health UP! APP” in 2021 and invests NT$660K in maintenance every year. The APP integrates various health and exercise data of employees, including annual health examination data, online sports courses data, daily exercise data, health-related information or articles, and other personal exercise data, allowing them to keep an eye on their own health status. As of the end of 2022, SYSTEX employees have cumulatively downloaded the “Health UP! APP” nearly 2,300 times, with a cumulative download rate of 56%.

  • Gamified Health APP:
    The Health UP! APP provides gamified sports competitions, creating different scenarios based on current affairs topics, such as combining carbon reduction, the Olympics Games and the New World, etc., to inspire participation. The APP also utilizes IoT technology to integrate exercise data from sports equipment, which is then converted into sports points for gift exchange in the future. Besides, it provides health information, making the APP a virtual personal health secretary!
  • 3 Health Management Applications:
    The APP uses 3 application modules, through built-in health check data of the past year, allowing employees to self-check and track their health status, and record activity data, such as length of sleep. Meanwhile, through the built-in activity module, sports competition activities can be quickly generated to increase sports motivation and fun. The built-in application value-added module is connected to the fitness equipment for fitness data integration, and is equipped with a virtual video coach to improve interactivity.
  • Smart Video Coaching Course:
    Employees’ mobile phones are sensor devices, scanning the QR code to start exercise courses, and recording fat burning data to help lose fat effectively. In response to the epidemic, online exercise courses were held and the smart video coach demonstrated movements and performed exercises with employees.
  • Sports Equipment Integrate Data:
    Combined with the fitness equipment, the Health UP! APP transmits exercise fitness data to the cloud platform for recording and integration, and converts it into specific training data, such as today’s calories burned and daily walking steps and distance, so that employees not only keep track of their sports performance in times, but also gain a sense of sports achievement.