Diversity of Employee
Employment Structure
By the end of 2023, SYSTEX and its affiliates have added new employees. The total number of employees in SYSTEX group in Taiwan is 4,077, including 2,098 in SYSTEX Corp. and 1,979 in affiliated companies in Taiwan. If classified by positions, there are 31 senior executives, 269 mid-level executives and 3,777 non-executive employees. In terms of gender and age, there are 2,348 males (59.8%) slightly more than females (1,639, 40.2%) and the largest proportion is 57.54% aged of 30 (incl.)-50 years old. However, the number of employees over 50 has increased, with an annual growth rate of 19.13%.
The permanent employees of SYSTEX group in Taiwan are 3,710 (91.0%) and decreased slightly compared to 2022 (91.1%). Among them, 1,473 are females (36.13%). The temporary employees are 367 and females among them are 166 (45.23%). In terms of job type, education, nationality and region, the technical employees, the largest proportion of employees, are 3,012 (73.88%); the education level of bachelor’s and above accounted for 94.78%; the foreign employees accounted for 15 persons (0.37%); the employees in overseas regions accounted for 3 persons (0.07%).
3-year Number of Employee (by gender and region)

2023 Diversity of Governance Bodies (by gender and age)
Type | Item | Gender (%) | Age (%) | Total | Percentage (%) | |||
Female | Male | Under 30y | 30(incl.) -50y |
Over 50y(incl.) | ||||
Management level | Senior | 0.10 | 0.66 | 0 | 0.10 | 0.66 | 31 | 0.76 |
Middle | 1.82 | 4.78 | 0 | 3.09 | 3.51 | 269 | 6.60 | |
Non-management level | 38.29 | 54.35 | 23.33 | 54.35 | 14.96 | 3,777 | 92.64 | |
Percentage (%) | 40.20 | 59.80 | 23.33 | 57.54 | 19.13 | 4,077 | 100 |
2023 Diversity of Governance Bodies (by gender and revenue-generating)

2023 Number of Employee for Hire Type (by gender and region)
Type | Gender | Region | Total | ||
Female | Male | Taiwan | Overseas | ||
Permanent employee | 1,473 | 2,237 | 3,707 | 3 | 3,710 |
Temporary employee | 166 | 201 | 367 | 0 | 367 |
Non-guaranteed hours employee | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Full-time employee | 1,630 | 2,425 | 4,052 | 3 | 4,055 |
Part-time employee | 9 | 13 | 22 | 0 | 22 |
1. Permanent employee is employee with a contract for an indeterminate period. Temporary employee is employee with a contract for Part-time employee is employee whose working hours are less than those for full-time employees.
2. By the end of 2023, SYSTEX has a total of 99 interns, 4 dispatched manpower and 17 of security guards, cleaning workers and electrical & mechanical workers.
2023 Number of Employee (by age group, education and nationality)

2023 Number of Employee for Job Type (by gender)

Obtained the “Certificate of Talent Quality-management System, TTQS, – Enterprise Version, Bronze” by Ministry of Labor in 2022.
Diversity and Inclusion
In accordance with laws and regulations, SYSTEX has fully recruited disabled people and employed visually impaired massage therapists since 2007 to help increase career opportunities for disabled people. By the end of 2023, SYSTEX Group in Taiwan has employed 40 disabled people (including 16 people with severe disabilities or above), accounting for 1% of the total number of employees, enabling SYSTEX has employed more disabled people than the law requires. In terms of employing ethnic minorities, SYSTEX has employed 25 indigenous people (0.61%).
2023 Number of Employee from Diverse Group

Caring for New-hire
SYSTEX has a complete employee career development system planning, with a dual-track system of professional and management positions, to provide individual development and assessment plans for employees, and then to meet the needs and characteristics of individual employees to assist individuals in pursuing career development and growth space. Additionally, SYSTEX also offers a support mechanism for new employees to quickly integrate into the work environment.
Training courses
Help understand SYSTEX’s philosophy and become familiar with the internal rules and regulations.
Mentor system
Mentor system helps new employees integrate into the work faster, shorten the adaption period.
Dedicated HR service assistant
HR Division allocates dedicated personnel to keep abreast of the new employees.
Enhance caring during probation period
Since the retention rate of 79.3% is lower than the target of 80%, SYSTEX analyzed that the top 3 factors for resignation were “work adaptation” related issues. Therefore, SYSTEX will strengthen the mentor’s guidance on new-hires’ job understanding and practical work adaption to solve the maladaptation problem.
2023 New-hired and Turnover Employee
- New Hire Employee
In 2023, there are 1,048 new-hired employees in SYSTEX Group in Taiwan (25.71% of all employees). Among them, women accounted for 463 (44.18% of all new-hired employees) and increased slightly compared to 2022 (39.05% of all new-hired employees). New-hire rate of female employees was 28.5%, slightly higher than that of male ones (24%). In terms of age, the largest proportion of new-hires in the past 3 year is under the age of 30 (52% of all employees), increasing slightly compared to 2022 (50.15%) and 2021 (49.64%), showing that the overall new employees have been getting younger.
Type | People | New-hire rate (%) |
Female | 463 | 28.25 |
Male | 585 | 24.00 |
Total | 1,048 | 25.71 |
Type | People | New-hire rate (%) |
Under 30y | 545 | 57.31 |
30 (including)-50y | 449 | 19.14 |
Over 50y (including) | 54 | 6.92 |
Total | 1,048 | 25.71 |
Type | People | New-hire rate (%) |
Taiwan | 1,047 | 25.70 |
Overseas region | 1 | 33.33 |
Total | 1,048 | 25.71 |
1. New-hire rate = Number of new-hires in this category / Total in this category x 100%
2. In terms of Nationality among the new-hires, there are 1,046 Taiwanese employees (99.8% of all new-hired employees) and 2 non-Taiwanese (0.2% of all new-hired employees).
- Turnover Employee
In 2023, there are 963 turnover employees which accounts for 19.11% of all employees (slightly higher than 22.24% in 2022 and 18.53% in 2021). In terms of gender the largest proportion of turnover employees was male employee (59.29% of all turnover employees). Turnover rate of female employees was 19.30%, slightly higher than that of male ones (18.98%). In terms of age, the largest proportion of turnover employees was 30 (including)-50 years old (51.09% of all turnover employees), slightly lower than in 2022 (51.28%) and 2021 (53.17%). In terms of voluntariness, the voluntary employee turnover rate accounted for 13.69%, slightly higher than 11.72% in 2022 and 9.32% in 2021.
Type | People | Turnover rate (%) |
Female | 392 | 19.30 |
Male | 571 | 18.89 |
Total | 963 | 19.11 |
Type | People | Turnover rate (%) |
Under 30y | 357 | 27.29 |
30 (including)-50y | 492 | 17.34 |
Over 50y (including) | 114 | 12.75 |
Total | 963 | 19.11 |
Type | People | Turnover rate (%) |
Taiwan | 963 | 19.12 |
Overseas region | 0 | 0 |
Total | 963 | 19.11 |
1. Turnover rate = Number of turnover employees in this category / (Total in this Category + Number of turnover employees in this category) x 100%
2. In terms of Nationality among the turnover employees, there are 962 Taiwanese employees (99.9%) and 1 non-Taiwanese (0.1%).
New-hire retention rate
Note: Since 2023, SYSTEX has formulated “New-hire retention rate” as a management goal of “Material topic – Talent Attraction and Retention”.
Key talent retention rate
- 2023 : 95.1 %
Note: Since 2023, SYSTEX has formulated “Key talent retention rate” as a management goal of “Material topic – Talent Attraction and Retention”.
Employee turnover rate
- 2023 : 19.11 %
- 2022 : 18.19 %
- 2021 : 15.63 %
Note: Turnover rate = annual number of employees leaving ÷ total number of employees at the end of the year * 100%
Employee voluntary turnover rate
- 2023 : 13.69 %
- 2022 : 11.72 %
- 2021 : 9.32 %
Note: Turnover rate = annual number of employees leaving ÷ total number of employees at the end of the year * 100%