Greenhouse Gas Management

GRI 305

In order to measure GHG emissions more accurately, SYSTEX has introduced GHG Inventory since 2021 and conducts GHG Inventory every year according to the guidelines of “ISO 14064-1: 2018”, to formulate improvement plans accordingly. For the inventory, SYSTEX has set up a “GHG Inventory Committee” to prepare audit reports and to conduct data audit according to the “Internal Audit Management Procedures”, and then entrusted an independent third-party to conduct external audit, ensuring its correctness and completeness. The boundary of GHG inventory is the headquarters building.

In 2022, the total market-based GHG emissions of the SYSTEX headquarters building was 3,347.446 tCO2e, of which the electricity consumption accounted for the highest proportion of emissions, reaching 82.54%.

SYSTEX conducts Headquarters GHG inventory of category 1-6, using the parameters released by the IPCC, EPA or relevant authorities. The inventory covers:

  • Category 1: Direct GHG emissions
    SYSTEX counts emission sources in the headquarters building, including the sources of stationary combustion, mobile combustion and fugitive.
  • Category 2 – 6: Indirect GHG emissions
    All emission sources of category 2 – 6 have been discussed by the “GHG Inventory Committee” according to the guidelines of “ISO 14064-1: 2018”, and should be defined as significant emissions with a score over 30.
    Category 2 emissions are generated by imported energy.
    Category 3-4 emissions are calculated from business travels, indirect carbon footprint of electricity and disposal of general waste.
  • Emission Factor
    The emission factors are based on the latest data published by the IPCC, EPA or relevant authorities.
2022 Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Category Emission Source Emissions (tCO2e)
Subtotal Total
Category 1: direct GHG emissions Stationary combustion 0 11.0019
Mobile combustion 4.9393
Fugitive (anthropogenic systems) 6.0626
Category 2: indirect GHG emissions from imported Energy Imported electricity Location-based
Category 3: indirect GHG emissions from transportation Employee commuting and business travels Business travel by THSR 4.4294 54.8166
Business travel by airplanes 19.6538
Business travel by taxi 30.7334
Category 4: indirect GHG emissions from products used by organization Purchased goods Indirect carbon footprint of electricity 499.6612 518.7352
Disposal of waste Disposal of general waste 19.0740
Category 5: indirect GHG emissions associated with the use of products from the organization No significant emissions
Category 6: indirect GHG emissions from other sources No significant emissions
Category 1-6 GHG emissions Location-based
Direct GHG Emissions (Category 1) [Scope: SYSTEX headquarters building]
Item CO2 CH4 N2O HFCs PFCs SF6 NF3 Total
GHG emissions (tCO2e) 4.7421 0.0477 0.1494 6.0626 0 0 0 11.0019
Proportion 43.10% 0.43% 1.36% 55.11% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00%
Greenhouse Gas Management Performance

Through the ISO 14064-1 GHG inventory, SYSTEX found that purchased electricity produced the highest proportion of emissions. Therefore, in addition to implementing various environmental and energy management measures, SYSTEX purchases and rents equipment with environmentally-friendly labels, replaces power-consuming equipment every year, regularly checks pipelines, and sets the office temperature to no less than 26°C, thereby reducing electricity consumption and environmental load. Furthermore, SYSTEX also supports the development of renewable energy. In addition to purchasing T-REC every year, SYSTEX plans a “Power Wheeling Contract” program in 2022 and is expected to use green electricity in 2023.

3-year GHG Emissions of Category 1-2 [Scope: SYSTEX headquarters building]

In 2022, due to the increase in the business scale, SYSTEX increased electricity consumption, which also increased the category 2 emissions compared to the previous year. However, the GHG emissions per unit revenue in the past 3 years has a continuous downward trend, showing that SYSTEX earns more revenue while using each kWh of electricity, thereby utilizing electricity more efficiently. Considering the increased emissions caused by larger business scale, SYSTEX signed a green-energy contract in 2022 to mitigate the impact of power usage.

Item Base year 2020 2021 2022
Category 1 GHG Emissions (tCO2e) 13.7720 7.2465 11.0019
Category 2
  • Electricity Consumption (kWh)
5,692,079 5,536,879 5,665,093
  • T-REC (kWh)
100,000 72,000 83,493
  • Location-based GHG Emissions (tCO2e)
2,897.2682 2,779.5135 2,804.2210
  • Market-based GHG Emissions (tCO2e)
2,846.3684 2,743.3695 2,762.8922
Category 1-2 GHG Emissions (tCO2e)
  • Location-based
2,911.040 2,786.760 2,815.223
  • Market-based
2,860.140 2,750.616 2,773.894
SYSTEX Consolidated Revenue (NT$100M) 237.35 295.27 331.29
GHG Emissions per Unit Revenue (tCO2e / NT$100M)
  • Location-based
12.265 9.438 8.498
  • Market-based
12.050 9.316 8.373