Environment & Energy Management


Conduct and pass the verifications of ISO 14001, ISO 50001, ISO 14064-1

  • ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (Valid period: 2024/05/30-2027/05/30)
  • ISO 14064-1 Greenhouse Gases Verification Statement (Inventory of GHG emissions in year 2023, 2024/05/14)
  • ISO 50001 Energy Management System (Valid period: 2024/11/28-2027/11/27)
Environment Management
Monitoring Plan through Environment and Energy
Monitoring item Indicator Approach Frequency
Drinking water quality E. coli Outsourcing Quarterly
Greenhouse gas inventory GHG emission Internal Annually
Fire drill Drill Internal Quarterly
Water consumption in offices Water use Internal Monthly
General waste in offices(trash) Waste weight Outsourcing Monthly
Recycling waste in offices Recycling weight Outsourcing Monthly
Identify internal and external issues and stakeholder concerns Internal Annually
Environment review Internal Annually
Energy review and baseline Internal Annually
Laws and regulations Internal Quarterly
Achievement of goals Internal Quarterly
Achievement of management plans Internal Irregularly
Energy data collection plans Monitoring Continuously
Internal audits for ISO 14001, ISO 50001, and ISO 14064-1 Internal Annually
Management review meetings of ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 Internal Annually
External audits for ISO 14001, ISO 50001, and ISO 14064-1 Outsourcing Annually

Note 1: The internal audits for ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 cover 100% of SYSTEX’s scope.
Note 2: The external audits for ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 were conducted at SYSTEX’s headquarters, which accounts for a 62.25% data coverage rate.

Environment Management Action Plan

Office water stewardship

  • Since SYSTEX is an IT service company, its water usage is only for daily use in the offices, with no production processes that generate water consumption or wastewater.
  • Formulate measures in response to drought relief issues, including emergency storage tanks.
  • Regularly implement water quality inspection for drinking water and cooling water system to ensure water safety.
  • Regularly inspect and maintain pipelines to avoid water leakage.
  • Adjust the air conditioning and cooling water drainage, and renew the water chillers of the headquarters building.
  • Facilitate dedicated employees’ water management training thought regular testing of the water chiller system.
  • SYSTEX headquarters building is fully equipped with sensor faucets and water economizers of toilets to save water.
  • SYSTEX puts up the water-saving signs in the pantry room to promote environment protection.

2023 Target

  • Water consumption per revenue: -1% /per year

2023 Performance

  • Water consumption per revenue:
    219 kL/NT$100M (-3.4% /annually)

2024 Target

  • Water consumption per revenue: -1% /per year

Office paper management

  • For non-confidential and non-personal documents, SYSTEX treats these papers as recycled waste ones to remind employees of the importance of saving papers.
  • In accordance with “Personal Data Protection Act” and awareness of resource regeneration, the confidential documents are regularly collected and destroyed.
  • Replace paper forms with digital systems and use rental eco-friendly copy machines with MOE-certified eco-labels.

2023 Target

  • Paper usage: -275,000 sheets / annually

2023 Performance

  • Paper usage: 2,085,000 sheets (-95,000 sheets /annually)

2024 Target

  • Paper usage per revenue: -3% /per year

Waste management

  • Since SYSTEX is an IT service company, it doesn’t generate hazardous or polluting waste.
  • According to “Wasted Disposal Act” and other relevant regulations, all IT-related waste should be disposed of according to a specific process, and then disposed by the recyclers, so as to prevent data leakage.
  • The recyclers monthly collect waste-related data for SYSTEX to improve waste management. and reduce damage to the environment.

2023 Target

  • Total waste per revenue: -10% /per year

2023 Performance

  • Total waste per revenue: 0.43 tons/NT$100M (-42.2% /annually)

2024 Target

  • Total waste per revenue: -1% /per year
Water Stewardship

As the global risk report indicates that “extreme climate events” will pose the highest risk worldwide in the next decade, it highlights the urgent need to address the climate crisis driven by these events. This urgency has prompted countries and corporate organizations to expedite their management of climate-related issues. Although SYSTEX is an IT service company, and its water usage is only for daily use in offices, with no production processes that generate water consumption or wastewater, it is important to consider that Taiwan, despite having relatively abundant rainfall, faces challenges in water resource management due to its topography, population density, per capita water use, and the substantial demand for water in agriculture and high-tech industries. Therefore, SYSTEX aligns with the government’s water conservation policy, conducts annual internal audits of water usage, and enhances water efficiency through ongoing tracking and management.

Water Risk

  • The boundary of the SYSTEX internal inventory of water resources is defined by the Neihu headquarters building.
  • Through the WWF Global Water Risk Assessment Tool (WWF Risk Filter Suite), a thorough review of the water resource risk situation in the area where the headquarters is located indicates that the physical risks in the watershed are low to medium, with the primary risk issues being potential water shortages and degradation of the surrounding soil. Furthermore, using the current trend scenario to forecast water resource risks in 2030, the basin physical risks remain at moderate to low to moderate levels.
  • The Neihu headquarters building is located in Taipei City, and all water is obtained from the Taipei Water Department under Taipei City Government. Since all water is daily use in the office, and the wastewater after use is sent to the sewage treatment plant through the sewer, there is no impact on the surrounding environment or community.

Water Risk Analysis

SYSTEX made disclosures with reference to GRI 303. The internal inventory boundary is the Neihu Headquarters building, and the water used is all daily use in the offices, with no production processes that generate water consumption or wastewater.

Water withdrawal (GRI 303-3)
All areas (kL) Water stress area
  • Surface water
0 NA
  • Groundwater
0 NA
  • Seawater
0 NA
  • Produced water
0 NA
  • Third-party water
Freshwater 22,375 NA
Other water 0 NA
  Total water withdrawal 22,375 NA
Water discharge (GRI 303-4)
All areas (kL) Water stress area
  • Surface water
0 NA
  • Groundwater
0 NA
  • Seawater
0 NA
  • Third-party water
22,375 NA
  Total water discharge 22,375 NA
Water consumption (GRI 303-5)
All areas (kL) Water stress area
  Total water consumption 0 NA

Note 1. The third-party for water withdrawal at SYSTEX headquarters building is the Taipei Water Department under Taipei City Government.
Note 2. The third-party for water discharge is the sewage treatment plant cooperated with the city water supplier.
Note 3. SYSTEX is an IT service company, with no production processes that generate water consumption or wastewater.

Energy Management
Energy Conservation Measures

Air conditioners

  • Continue to replace the water pump of AC units at headquarters building (HQ) to effectively improve the energy-saving performance.
  • In 2023, 2 energy-consuming AC units in the Data Center were replaced, reducing electricity consumption by 71,744 kWh in a year.
  • In 2024, SYSTEX plans to set the cooling water frequency system of AC units for the HQ building and Data Center.

Water chillers

  • Through EMS analysis and management, the AC units host capacity of each floor can be used by 2 floors.
  • In 2023, SYSTEX replaced HQ-B1 water chiller and adopted EMS high-efficiency control, reducing electricity consumption by 60,000 kWh in a year.
  • In 2024, SYSTEX plans to replace HQ-1F water chillers.

Energy management system, EMS

  • In 2022, SYSTEX analyzed the AC operation mode through EMS, and reduce the load and operating time of AC system through function of introducing external air except in summer, to save energy usage.

Internal carbon pricing measure

  • In response to the goal of “Net Zero by 2050 at headquarters building,” SYSTEX has analyzed the major sources of carbon emissions from electricity consumption and found that the data centers accounted for the highest proportion of electricity usage. Consequently, SYSTEX has formulated the internal carbon pricing measure and allocated funds to increase RE consumption, aiming to reduce carbon emissions from electricity consumption.

Advocacy sign

  • SYSTEX posted the calorie-consuming charts in the HQ-stairwell, and promoted health signs to encourage employees to exercise more in response to energy-saving and carbon reduction.
Renewable Energy

In response to the international trend of renewable energy and the development of relevant regulations, SYSTEX first adopted T-REC to increase the proportion of renewable energy usage. Then, SYSTEX has signed a Power Wheeling Contracts in 2022 and uses green electricity by PPA since 2023 to gradually increase the renewable energy consumption rate. At the same time, considering the issue of increased carbon emissions caused by the scale of the data center business, an internal carbon pricing system is planned in 2023 and implemented in 2024. After charging the carbon fee internally, a specific fund is used to prioritize the purchase of renewable energy to continue to increase RE consumption.

Renewable Energy Targets & Performance

  • The SYSTEX headquarters building is its own asset, so the renewable energy usage target is set within the headquarters building.

2023 Target

  • RE consumption rate: 2%

2023 Performance

  • RE consumption rate: 2%

2024 Target

  • RE consumption rate: 4%

2027 Target

  • RE consumption rate: 14%

2030 Target

  • RE consumption rate: 20%

2040 Target

  • RE consumption rate: 60%

2050 Target

  • RE consumption rate: 100%

2023 Energy Consumption Table

In 2022, SYSTEX has signed a RE Wheeling Contract and in 2023, used 120,000 kWh of RE, accounting for 2%, resulting in a total carbon reduction of 59.3 tCO2e.

Electricity Consumption
Renewable Energy
Energy Rate
Emissions of Category 2 (tCO2e)
Location-based Market-based
5,810,192 120,000 2% 2,810.96 2,810.96

3-year Renewable Energy Consumption

72,000 2021 83,493 2022 120,000 2023 3-year RE consumption(kWh)
Energy usage statistics
Item 2020 2021 2022 2023
Energy consumption (GJ) (including electricity, gasoline, nature gas and diesel) 20,642.228 19,989.307 20,462.718 21,104.759
Energy consumption (including electricity, gasoline, nature gas and diesel)(MWh)
  • Total energy consumption (including electricity, gasoline, nature gas and diesel) (MWh)
5,733.94 5,552.58 5,684.08 5,862.42
  • Non-renewable energy consumption (including electricity, gasoline, nature gas and diesel) (MWh) (A1)
5,633.94 5,480.58 5,600.59 5,742.42
  • Renewable energy consumption (renewable electricity) (MWh) (A2)
100 72 83.493 120
  • Non-electrical energy consumption (including gasoline, nature gas and diesel) (MWh) (B1)
41.86 15.70 18.99 52.23
  • Electrical energy consumption (MWh) (B2)
5,692.08 5,536.88 5,665.09 5,810.19

Note: The total energy consumption = [A1 + A2 (classified by renewable resources or not)] = [B1 + B2 (classified by electrical resources or not)]