SDGs |
SDGs Indicators |
Projects |
2023 Performance |
3.4 Through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being |
- Health Up! APP
- Healthy risk map
- “EAP” has been used by a total of 94 employees.
- “Health UP! APP” has been downloaded cumulatively by nearly 2,200 employees.
- Conducted health assessment and health map drawing, planning mitigation measures in response to the relative risk.
3.8 Provide basic medicines that are available and affordable |
- Heath examination
- Blood donation
- The subsidy was NT$3,500 per person. A total of 2,773 employees underwent health examinations; a total of 604 new hires received health check subsidies, The Annual accumulated subsidies amounted to NT$11,479 thousand.
- Held 2 blood donation activities with Taipei Blood Donation Center, a total of 187 donors and 70,500ml blood.
3.c Increase the recruitment of the health workforce |
- Health promotion activities
- Recruit 4 health managers providing health care and consulting service.
- Recruit 1 exercise coach and cooperate with external coaches providing employees with exercise courses.
3.7 Support employees have sufficient and affordable family planning sources |
- Maternity benefits
- Cumulative 248 SYSTEX babies benefited from the “SYSTEX Baby Happy Funds” Program with a total subsidy of NT$4.28M. Accumulative subsidies amount to 11,360 thousand.
- “Maternal Health Protection Program” provided health care to 41 pregnant and returning employees.
- “8 days of full-pay paternity” and “3 days of full-pay parental leave for parental ” to be implemented in 2024.
4.1 Provide free primary and secondary education |
- Code Seed Camp
- Held “CSC” in the summer, aims to cultivate employees’ kids who are interested in programming, accumulative 99 participants. A total of 634 participants in the past year and devoted NT$1,535 thousand.
4.4 Provide vocational skills for employment |
- Cultivate technology talents
- A total of 53,109 trainees were trained with a total of 140,046 hours. Average training hours 34.35 hours. Total employees’ training courses cost over NT$29,000 thousand, and the average cost per person amounts to NT$7,098.
4.4 Enhance Youth’s obtainment of ICT skills (TSDGs) |
- Young Turing Program
- X School Academy
- Academia cooperation
- 181 Senior high school teams and 80 Junior high teams total 755 persons joined 8th YTP, accumulated 1,266 teams, and 3,605 persons participated.
- 3rd X school software Academy- Java back-end engineer course total of 36 persons participated in the training course.
- Signed a MOU with FCU to hold a post-baccalaureate program in Information Engineering Computer Science.
5.5 Ensure women’s equal opportunities for leadership |
- Female leaders
- Share of female managers: Senior account for 12.9% (up 3.8% annually), Middle account for 27.5% (up 0.8% annually) overall management account for 26% (up 1.3% annually), revenue-related departments 23.6% (up 1.2% annually).
5.b Improve women’s enabling use of ICT |
- Young Turing Program
- Young Turing Program promotes the “Female guarantee quota” mechanism, 117 female students enrolled, over a hundred female students joined, accumulated 454 female students participated.
7.2 Renewable energy |
- Renewable energy
- Signed a RE Wheeling Contract and consumed 120,000 kWh of RE, totaling 2% RE consumption rate.
7.3 Improve the energy efficiency |
- Environmental sustainability policy
- Annually conduct and maintain ISO 50001.
- Replacement of chilled water mainframes in the building, achieving electricity savings of over 66,000 kWh.
8.2 Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading |
- Sustainable services
- Technique development committee
- Enlarge R&D investment
- Innovate sustainable solutions to assisting client’s development, with a total of 51 solutions.
- Implemented in-class or online training courses, with a total of 11,341 trainees, 81,219 hours and an average of 27 hours of training for software/technical employees attending courses (an annual increase of 19.1%).
- Invested NT$558,824 thousand in research and development (an annual increase of 7.7%).
8.3 Encourage the growth of micro-sized enterprises |
- AI+ Generator Program
- ESG Innovation Alliance
- A total of 8 Startups were selected for the “6th AI+ Generator Program”, and cumulative 44 Startups selected.
- 18 Startups were selected in the 2nd IMV, accumulated 35 startups won the competition.
8.4 Decrease the negative impact of the value chain |
- Green sustainable supply chain
- The total amount of procurement: “local” NT$12.5 billion (68.6%), “green products” NT$299 million (63.5%).
- 2,652 suppliers signed the “Commitment on Honesty”; 1,798 suppliers signed the “Commitment of Supplier CSR”.
8.6 Reduce the youth unemployment |
- SYSTEX Elite Internship
- SYSTEX Elite Internship program provides 135 vacancies, sharing practical experiences, accumulative 688 participants.
8.8 promote safe and secure working environments |
- Occupational health and safety management
- Conduct ISO 45001 and maintain validation efficiency.
- Employees joined in occupational health and safety-related training for 3,209 persons and 4,572.5 hours.
10.2 Promote the social inclusion of all |
- Promoting diversity and inclusion
- Hiring 40 Employees with disabilities (including 16 persons with severe disabilities), 25 aboriginals, 15 foreign nationals, 213 persons with high school diplomas, and 780 persons over 50 (inclusive).
10.3 Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome |
- Gender equality measure
- Young Turing Program
- PaGamO
- The annual human rights and sexuality education training totaled 3,155 persons, with a total of 4,082.5 hours; in addition, held a campaign on sexuality cases, with a total of 4,279 persons.
- Full transportation subsidies were provided to participants, and nearly NT$400,000 was invested in sponsorships to support high schools and universities in promoting information education.
- Donated PaGamO for 3 years total amounted to NT$3 million, providing free platform accounts for 2 remote schools.
10.6 Optimize the capacity of social innovation (TSDGs) |
- AI+ Generator Program
- ESG Innovation Alliance
- 6th AI+ Generator Program selected 8 Startups to join AGP and to assist clients in realizing sustainable operations.
- 2nd IMV selected 18 Startup groups, supporting their development by offering scholarships.
12.2 Achieve the sustainable management |
- Environmental sustainability policy
- Environment management measure
- Maintained the validity of ISO 14001 environmental management system certification.
- Promote e-form to replace paper form, reduce 95,000 papers compared to the previous year.
12.5 reduce waste generation |
- Environment management measure
- Office waste was categorized, and monthly recycling was compiled by the contracted cleaning company. The total amount of waste for the year was 43.6 tons, of which 12.4 tons were recycled with a rate of 28.4%.
12.6 Merge Reporting |
- Issues ESG report
- Issue ESG reports annually, a total of 5 Chinese versions (2019-2023) and 3 English versions (2021-2023) are released.
13.2 GHG emission control |
- GHG management
- Annually conduct and obtain ISO 14064-1.
13.3Improve education and institutional capacity for climate change |
- Environment education advocacy for internal & external
- SYSTEX held 9 seminars related to environmental issues with 1,170 participants. Held 11 green technology visiting activities amounting to 329 participants.
- Echoing green actions such as “Earth Hour” and the “Melting Greenland” movie program.
16.5reduce degradation
16.6 Develop effective, accountable, and transparent institutions at all levels
- Integrity Committee
- Sustainable supply chain
- Promoted the Employee Code of Conduct every month, including 11 times with 45,411 participants, and a 99.1% achievement rate, about ethical business practices and the protection of personal information of business secrets.
- Conducted 2 promotions and tests on the Code of Conduct for Business Integrity, with a total of 7,824 attendances.
- Organized 1 test and promotion of prohibiting insider trading, with a total of 4,002 participants.
- In 2023, there were 0 cases of bribery.
- The signing rate of the “Vendor Integrity Pledge and Declaration” exceeded 99%.
16.b Non-discriminatory laws |
- Human rights advocacy
- The total number of promoting human rights cases of employee behavioral standards was 1, and 4,279 persons were educated, achieving a rate of 99.4%.
17.16 Enhance the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development |
- AI+ Generator Program
- ESG Innovation Alliance
- A total of 8 Startups were selected for the “6th AI+ Generator Program”, and cumulative 44 Startups selected.
- Co-advocated the “ESG Technology Innovation Promotion Alliance” to become a founding member, and organized the “2nd IMV”, in which a total of 18 startups were selected with a total prize of NT$5.1 million.